Metropolitan Transportation Commission에서는 Box에 로그인하기 위해 사용자의 네트워크 자격 증명을 사용합니다. 계속하려면 사용자의 네트워크를 통해 Box에 로그인하십시오.
Metropolitan Transportation Commission의 직원이 아닌 경우 계정으로 계속해서 로그인하십시오.
This is a Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) system intended for MTC purposes only. MTC reserves the right to monitor the use of this system as required to ensure its stability, availability, and security.
MTCdrive allows users to store, share, and access files online. It also allows users to collaborate with other users.
Authentication via MTC's Single Sign-On is enabled for accounts with addresses only.
Local Box credentials may be required for accounts without or for use with some 3rd party applications.
Unauthorized access to this system is prohibited.
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